The Official Shadow People Archives
What are shadow people? At first, they appear only out of the corner of your eye, furtively darting out of view when you turn to look straight at them, but are now gone. Did you really see them?
Shaking the image out of your head, you assume that it was some
peculiar anomaly of your eyesight, however the feeling still lingers
that someone continues to watch you. For weeks, months or years, the
fast dark movements in your peripheral vision are dismissed until it
finally happens without warning. You see the shadow directly in front
of you: face to face, blacker than black, darker than dark, like a void
that has punched a hole into the inky fabric of night itself.
Sometimes it appears as the mere silhouette of a person, usually male, but generally lacking any other characteristics of gender. However, in no way does the description end there. There are "hatted" shadow beings, hooded shadows, cloaked ones, and solid or wispy, smoky types. Some are seen only from the waist up. Others clearly have legs that are seen fleeing from their observers. They dart into corners, through walls, into closets, or behind television sets, bushes, and buildings. Sometimes they simply fade into the dark recesses of the night. Lacking in the description is one common denominator unifying the many different types of shadow people that enter our world, except that they are "intensely dark". Even then, there are exceptions.
"What is their purpose?" Well, one thing is for certain, the personalities and intentions of shadow people are just as varied as any one of the six billion people populating this planet. While a number of witnesses believe that shadow people act as benevolent guardians watching and guiding us, just as many witnesses have no doubt of the evil soul-wrenching potential of these beings. Originally, I believed the shadow people to be ghosts, but the stories received, read, compiled and uploaded are more convincing that shadows are a type of inter-dimensional beings, from which 'ghost' is only one sub-category. One can only hope that serious research into this paranormal (or psychological) genre will paint a clearer understanding of the nature and make-up of these dark mysterious 'people'. That day has not yet come.
Until then, this site brings together hundreds of witnesses who took the time and energy to detail their experiences in order to help us develop some kind of consensus about of the very strange nature of shadow people. You are encouraged to sift and read through them to come to your own conclusions.
Susan Lawrence Fowler
December 31, 2023