Updated: December 31, 2023
We are always eager to read viewer’s shadow people or ghost experiences and share these stories with other readers. Take note that all stories sent in, are reviewed for upload and some are selected for one of three pages: Shadow Story Archive, Shorty Shadow Story Page or the True Ghost Story Page.
It is helpful if you take the following factors into consideration before emailing in your story.
- If you wish to attach a file of your story, Please DO NOT ATTACH PDF to your email. Word Documents only. PDF is too time consuming to transfer into HTML coding.
- Double check your story for clarity; describe your experience honestly and accurately as possible.
- If applicable, describe the shadow person(s) physical details as much as possible.
- It is much appreciated if you can remember such details as:
- Arrival of the shadow being – How did it ‘appear’? When did you first notice it?
- Actions of the shadow being – What did it do? Examples: Walk, run, watch, move, hit, shove, talk, etc. Include how long the shadow seemed to be present.
- Physical attributes: What did it looks like? Examples: Male silhouette form, wispy smoke, darker than dark, elongated arms, oversize head, no feet, walked above ground, etc.
- Demeanor of the shadow – How did the shadow person behave towards you? Examples: Threatening, non-threatening, curious about me, hated me, seemed surprised that we could see him, etc.
- Departure of the shadow - How did it leave? Disappeared, vanished, exploded into blobs, imploded into pieces, evaporated, blinked out, walked into wall, melted into ground, etc.
- Your reaction – Terrified, surprised, ran like hell, unafraid, being was like an angel watching over me, being was pure evil and appeared to want to hurt me, not concerned, peaceful feeling, etc
- We realize it is not always possible to remember all the details, so remember, honesty is of greater importance.
- Location - Optional – Any, or part of the location in which the incident(s) occurred: country; state/province/county; city/village/town. This is to determine the areas in which there is a largest concentration of shadow people sightings. If story submitter offers the location information and requests that it not be made public; this request will be honored. All information is confidential in research in regards to email information (kept separate).
- After you compose your story, please let us know whether you are giving permission to have your story uploaded to the Official Shadow People Archive. As an anti-spam measure, your email and full name will not be attached to your story unless you specify otherwise.
- Very Important! Please use a Grammar and Spell checker before sending your story. Stories with extensive grammatical and spelling errors are no longer being considered for upload because of the time it takes to edit them. Consideration is extended to non-English speakers. Please note that returning stories to senders for clarification is commonplace.
- Ready? So are we! Email here! or email to: shadowpeopledotorg@outlook.com